We’ll let you in on a little secret- Red Bell Peppers!!! Just between us, and please don’t tell others, this is an ingredient in just about all of our blends, and we have literally searched the world for the world’s finest red bell peppers (we can’t tell you more as that would be revealing trade secrets!!). Combine that with the amazingly rich and full flavor of perfectly roasted garlic and you have a robust combination of flavors (70% Garlic and Pepper, plus a subtle combination of herbs and spices- absolutely no cheap fillers here!) that are or should be a staple in all recipes and on all foods. Your meals will last longer as you savor and appreciate every bite of your meal. But again- remember- it’s a secret only to be shared with your best and closest friends and family, associates and acquaintences, clients and customers, bosses and co-workers, neighbors, postman and ….

- Gluten Free:
Due to equipment used, product may contain wheat traces.
- kosher:
OU Kosher Certified